Death is absolutely safe. It's like taking off a tight shoe.

Time is just the numbers on a clock

You are never who you think you are.

every day can be pankcake tuesday

Our lives are training sessions to turn ourselves into instruments of true kindness.

There are no accidents.

Know that everything is in constant change and find your composure in it.

Anything can happen at any moment.

Everything which has the nature to arise will pass. Everything has the nature to arise.

Learn to look at other beings with the eyes of compassion.

Walk in a way that you imprint peace and serenity on the world.

Be your own guru.

Invite not the future,

Prolong not the past,

Do not alter your natural state of being.

Whatever opinion you have, there is another.

Keep a beginner's mind.

The life you think you have is just a story - everything you tell yourself is just a story.

The past does not exist, it is just a thought in your head.

The future does not exist, it is just a thought in your head.

All that exists is the present moment.

You're on acid

You're on acid

You're on acid

You're on acid

You're on acid

You're on acid

You're on acid

You're on acid

You're on acid

You're on acid

You're on acid

You're on acid

You're on acid

You're on acid

You're on acid